Monday, August 10, 2015

August 10, 2015

 Today I worked on the basement. All day. It was super fun. As far as the layout of the computer room goes, I think I'm done. I am still considering moving my DVDs in but I've already got space for them so it won't really matter. I also kind of want to put all of my CDs back into their cases and put them on shelves. I had the brilliant idea years ago to take all of my CDs out of their cases and put them into one big case but that was dumb. It became too heavy and awkward to move and I listened to them less because they were out of sight and out of mind. I'm all about streaming music now but it would be nice to get them all out and rediscover some of the bands I have forgotten.

I also got a start on the main room and made some decent progress. It involved going through some of my old school stuff. I found a copy of the letter I had to write in sixth grade about sexual harassment. I remember thinking that me having to write it was a little ridiculous but I didn't remember how passive aggressive I was in the letter itself. It was amusing. I also read the papers I wrote for my communications class about The Emperor's New Groove, Son-in-Law, and an episode of That '70s Show. I'm still impressed with them. I found an old statistics test that I got a perfect score on. I looked at every single question and I couldn't answer a single one. Especially the ones involving math. I had no idea where the numbers were coming from. More proof that all through college I memorized things for the test and them promptly forgot them. I'm glad graduate school hasn't had any tests. So far anyway. Fingers crossed that trend continues.

Tonight I watched more episodes of Arrow and I am drawing closer to the season finale. I'm still a fan of the series but it is also annoying. At times it feels like 80% of the show consists of people whining or getting angry about people having secrets or lying to them. And 100% of the people have secrets and lie, so if they would politely just the fuck up and get over themselves, that would be great. The show would also be much more enjoyable without all the love drama. I look forward to a show where everyone is asexual and has no desire for anything but friendship. I don't need all the sexual tension and emotions. I'm obviously in the minority when it comes to these opinions, however, because so much screen time is taken up by this type of drama. Men and women can just be friends. Writers should try that some time, not perpetuate stereotypes or work out their own personal issues.

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