Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10, 2014

It felt good to be back at work again, even if it is only for three days this week. This morning I helped out with literacy centers in kindergarten and reading groups in second grade. Both were pretty uneventful.

Throughout the day I worked on an Uno game for one of the resource teachers. She found one online that she liked but she didn't want to pay for it, so she printed off the example page and asked what I could do. It probably would have looked better if she sent me the file but I didn't think about it until just now, oh well. Instead, I scanned in the page, and did a bunch of editing in Gimp and then put it all into a Publisher document. I think it came out pretty well but she wasn't around when I finished so I'll find out sometime whether it works for her or if I need to make some changes.

My afternoon was spent with a couple classes in the lab and storybooks. I finished one page and started another. Baby steps. I'll get there.

After work I went and ordered flowers for my mom and sister for Valentine's Day and then went to the grocery store. I would have liked a basket but apparently they don't have baskets, just carts and stumpy carts. I went with a stumpy cart and I just felt ridiculous. I don't like carts. And the stumpy carts have a short handle so I either had to take small steps or walk with the cart off to the side. Not a fan. But I got food and the stumpy cart provided a sufficient means to transport that food around the store.

When I got home I read some of my book, had dinner, played a little BF4, made some pipe cleaner flowers, finished watching Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones, and watched The Covenant. Mortal Instruments was alright. Not great but it could have been worse. I'm mainly just disappointed with the representation of Bane, the warlock. He was my favorite character in the book and they pretty much missed the point in the movie. And then there was The Covenant. I was intrigued by the trailers but never got around to watching it. For years I had forgotten the name, only remembering that there were four guys with superpowers. On a whim I typed that exact phrase into Google and The Covenant was the first thing to pop up. Thanks to Netflix I was finally able to watch it and I can say it wasn't really worth the wait. All the rock music gave away its age and the final fight scene went on and on and on and on. It was also an incredibly obvious movie, the bad guy was a given from the first time he walked in front of the camera. But whatever, I've seen worse. And the blond girl is hot.

Now I think I'm going to go to bed. Maybe read a little first. Last night I think I went too bed prematurely and spent way too long falling asleep. I am hoping to avoid that tonight.

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